CAA Product Help
(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.
This (HELP ?) Circle narrative is for the "MY PROFILE" Screen or the Display Panel in MemberLink Member Portal module.
General Overview:
This MemberLink screen is comprised of four parts. For overview and more detail on how the Product Bar and the Operations Bar are used on all screens, click on the "BULLETIN BOARD" Tab on the Operations Bar and then click on the (HELP ?) Circle that is found on the "BULLETIN BOARD" Screen.
Navigation Panel:
This section is on the left side of the screen immediately under the Operations Bar . It shows the Navigation choices available within the selected operation (in this case, the "MY PROFILE" Tab and Display Panel ).
Also, the Permission Level of the person logged in here will dictate which of the Navigation Links they see and may access.
The Navigation Panel will typically include the following:
- Your church name at the top
- The Navigation Links for use with this active "MODIFY PROFILE" Screen.
- Special Links pertaining to your church, like your website for example.
- The CAA Copyright Notice at the bottom
This Navigation Panel may have the following Links available:
- Attendance Reporting Hyperlink: If you have been granted a Permission Level that allows you to view attendance reporting, you will see this Link. This might typically be available to leaders of groups if attendance is tracked for the group (like a Sunday School class, for example). It allows leaders to view the attendance reports.
- Email and Texting Hyperlink: If you have been granted privileges to email contacts and groups from the Member Portal, you will see this Link. This might typically be available to leaders of groups where the leaders need to email or text to communicate with the group members.
- Contribution Report Hyperlink:The system has an option that permits each person to view their own giving record. If this option is turned ON, you will see this link. Click it to view your contribution record, which will let you select by Fund and Date Range.
- PIN Hyperlink:If your church uses the Child Check-In product from CAA called CheckinLink, and if you are the parent or guardian of a child participating in Child Check-In, you must have a PIN (Personal Identification Number). You may click this Link if it is available to you, to view your PIN or create/change your PIN.
Display Panel:
This section of the screen is the large area immediately under the Operations Bar and just to the right of the Navigation Panel . It shows the "Profile" DATA FORM "" the data about you.
Things you can do from this area:
- You can change your Username and Password.
- You can update your contact data, such as address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Keeping this data accurate will be a big help to your church leaders and church office workers.
- You can update your birthday and wedding anniversary.
- You can provide information on your Allergies or Special Needs.
- You can update your preferences for what data to show in the church Photo/Contact Directory. Keep in mind the more your allow to show, the more helpful that will be to other church leaders and members.
- You can click the Tabs on the bottom half of the display to find other information that you may be able to update or view.
Click the [MODIFY THIS PROFILE] Button to save your changes. If you leave this "MY PROFILE" Screen or Display Panel ) before clicking this button, your updates will not be applied.
** Note: There is a special [ADMIN CHANGE PASSWORD] Button at the top center of this Display Panel that only appears to the MasterAdmin and SysAdmin(s). It permits these permission levels to initiate a Password reset for you if you have forgotten your Password and don't have your own email address. If you have an email address, you can get a new Password yourself with the "Forgot My Password" feature on the Member Portal "LOGIN" Screen.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230