CAA Product Help
(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.
You found the (HELP ?) Circle narrative for "Using the Email Permissions Expansion" by clicking the (COMPREHENSIVE HELP ?) Circle on either the "ADD PROFILE" Screen or the "VIEW OR UPDATE PROFILE" Screen in MemberLink.
** Note: Hereunder, these two screens will be referred to collectively as the "PROFILE" Screen.
In the "Other Information" quadrant on the right side of the "PROFILE" Screen, just to the right of the "Email Permissions" label, is a square with a Expansion + Symbol inside it. It appears only in the Administrator module but not in the Member Portal module.
Clicking the [EXPANSION +] Button will "expand" the screen and display the Email Permission Groups. Expansion areas are typically used less frequently than other areas of the screen "" hence you "Expand" them to see them.
You can click and expand to see use this area, and the screen will become longer and require more scrolling to get to the custom data fields further below. The reason the screen is not fully expanded in the first place is to save time and effort with scrolling.
When you click the Email Permissions [EXPANSION +] Button, the "EMAIL PERMISSIONS" Window expands to reveal all of the Groups in which this person participates. You can give this person permission to send emails to members of his or her Groups by checking one or more of the desired Groups. These email messages can be composed and sent by this person when he or she is logged into the Member Portal module.
** Note: The default setting for an individual will be "No Groups". This means this person cannot send any email messages from the Member Portal. If you want to grant permission for this person to send messages, you must turn off the Checkbox for "No Groups" and then turn on the other Checkbox(s) accordingly.
Why do we need to grant email sending permissions to individuals?:
You may want to give class teachers, group leaders, care group leaders, staff, and others the capability of sending messages to their Group or Class "" but you do not want to give them login capability to the Administrator module. With this function, you can let them contact their Groups through email or texting from the Member Portal module.
How do we designate people to have Email Permissions in the Member Portal module?:
When you expand and the "EMAIL PERMISSIONS" Window appears on a person's "PROFILE" Screen in the Administrator module, you will see all the Groups in the system. This includes Regular Groups, Family Groups, and Care Groups.
Using the Checkboxes, you can indicate in this person's Profile that they may send email or text messages from the Member Portal module. The default is "No Groups" and with this setting, this person cannot send messages from the Member Portal module.
If you uncheck the "No Groups" Checkbox, you can check other Checkboxes to give this person email sending permissions. You can check the "All Groups" Checkbox, for example, and this person will be able to send email or text messages from the Member Portal module to the members of every Group in the system.
Instead of using "All Groups", you can assign this person to just one Group or several of the Groups by turning on the Checkboxes accordingly. The various Groups are organized under the headings for Regular Groups, Family Groups, and Care Groups.
** Note: People granted "Email Permissions" will have a special option that appears on their "PROFILE" Screen when they are logged into the Member Portal module. It is the "EMAIL AND TEXTING" Hyperlink, and it appears in the Navigation Panel for the "PROFILE" Screen.
That is where they go to send messages to the members of any group you have authorized them to contact. When they click the "EMAIL AND TEXTING" Hyperlink, they will see the "EMAIL AND TEXTING" Screen "" but the distribution list will be limited to the Groups you have authorized them to access. They will not be able to build their own distribution lists with the "Search" function.
You can give "Email Permissions" in the Member Portal to as many people as desired by your church.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230