CAA Product Help
(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.
Date Left Church is a standard data field on the Profile screen. It is found in the top left quadrant, in the section that appears when you click the [+ Additional Information] expansion button. It lets you identify a person as no longer participating at your church. The person may have moved away, or the person may have transferred to another church.
If the person has a date in the Date Left Church field, they will display on the Home screen Control Panel as Former in the Status column.
This date field is important because a Former person cannot login to the MemberLink® system. Their Username and Password will not work in either the Admin module or the Member Portal module.
Why not Delete a Person when they leave Our Church?:
If you delete a person from your contact database, you lose all the information about them. Rather than delete them, you can use the Date Left Church field as a virtual delete option.
You have an option on the Configure screen to not show those who have a date in the Date Left Church field. This allows you to keep the person and all their associated data in your system. You can choose whether you want to see them on the Control Panel of the Home screen and whether you want the person to remain active in Searches and Groups. If you choose not show Former people, they will not show on the Control Panel and in Search results, etc.
** Important:
CAA recommends using the Date Left Church field on the Profile screen to hide the display of data for a person you want to drop, rather than deleting the person from the system and losing all their data. If you do choose to delete a person, please be sure you Export the person to a spreadsheet and keep copies of any other data and reports that cannot be included in the Export.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230