Training -- Instructions -- Hints & Explanations
This [Help ?] button narrative refers to both the "Personal Mailing Name" data field on your Profile screen and the "Family Mailing Name" data field just below it on your Profile screen.
In the "Personal Mailing Name" box, enter the name line (top line) of your mail delivery postal address as you prefer to see it when the church sends a card or letter to you.
** Note: This is your name line, like Mr. John Smith -- not a street/city/state or ZIP code line.
In the "Family Mailing Name" box, enter the name line (top line) of your mail delivery postal address as you prefer to see it when the church sends a card or letter to your family.
** Note: This is your name line, like Mr. & Mrs. John Smith & Family -- not a street/city/state or ZIP code line.
When the church prints mailing labels, there will be three choices for the first line at the top of the label. One choice will be your First Name and Last Name as shown at the top left of your Profile screen; one choice will be the Personal Mailing Name field; and one choice will be the Family Mailing Name field.
** Note: If the church selects the Personal Mailing Name or Family Mailing Name option but those data fields are blank on your Profile screen, the print will default to your First Name and Last Name.
These choices enable the church to print mailing labels addressed correctly to individuals or families. When the church wants to create labels addressed to the Primary Contact of each family, for example, they may choose to use that person's Personal Mailing Name; or to address the item to the entire family, they may choose to use that person's Family Mailing Name.
When the church wants to create mailing labels to send to committee members, for example, they may choose to use the "First Name Last Name" of each person; or they may choose the "Personal Mailing Name" of each person.
** Examples:
As you consider your preferences, here are some examples for the first label line that may assist you in determining what you will enter into the Personal Mailing Name and Family Mailing Name fields on your Profile screen:
- Bill Smith (First Name Last Name)
- Mr. Bill Smith (Personal Mailing Name)
- Mr. William P. Smith (Personal Mailing Name)
- Mr. & Mrs. William Smith & Family (Family Mailing Name)
- Bill & Nancy Smith Family (Family Mailing Name)
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230