Help -- Training -- Explanations -- Hints
This Help ? narrative provides an overview for the Profile Notes window.
A "Profile Note" is a Note you can attach to a person (contact record). Each Note you add will be retained, and you can also review pervious Notes or delete previous Notes from the person.
Additionally, you can have the Note emailed to others when you add it.
You come to the Profile Notes window by clicking the [Note] button located on the Profile screen in the row of buttons at the top of the screen.
Creating a Note:
When you come to the Profile Notes window, you can create or add a new Note about this person using the following process.
- First, use the "Add a Note" entry box to enter the Note.
- Next, if you want the Note emailed to one or more people for them to read it, use the "Enter Emails to Get Note" entry box. This step is optional -- you can add a Note that does not get emailed to anyone. If you do want it emailed, enter the email address. To enter more than one email address, separate them with commas.
- Next, if you want to keep the email addresses you entered as a distribution list for future Notes, click the [Save Set of Email(s)] button. This step is optional, but if you choose it, you will be able to give this list of emails a "Name" and save it for future use with another Note. Then in the previous step above, the next time you add a Note, can either enter email addresses as described above OR select a previously named email list by clicking the [Restore Saved Emails] button.
- Next, click the [Add Note] button to actually create the Note and email the Note to the email list.
- Finally, after you clicked the [Add Note] button, a message will appear at the top left side of the Profile Notes window and indicate if emails were successfully sent. Also, just under that message, the Note will appear along with the author's name and date and time the Note was created.
If you are finished with adding Notes for this person, click the [Finish] button to close the window and return to the Profile screen.
Viewing or Deleting Notes:
When you come to the Profile Notes window, you can review previous Notes about this person using the following process. They are listed in chronological order, with the most recent Note at the top.
Each Note shows the text of the Note and details about author, date, and time.
To the right of the date and time is a Delete hyperlink. If you do not want to keep this Note associated with this person any longer, you may delete it by clicking the hyperlink.
If you are finished with adding Viewing or Deleting Notes for this person, click the [Finish] button to close the window and return to the Profile screen.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230