CAA Product Help
(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.
You are on the Profile Screen and this HELP narrative will assist you with understanding the Texting feature of MemberLink®. The system requires a persons cell phone number and the identity of persons cell phone carrier in order for the system to send the person a text message from your church.
To use the Texting feature of this system and be able to send a person a text message, the system has to know BOTH the persons Cell Phone Carrier and Cell Phone Number. The computer can build the proper Texting routing codes if it knows the Carrier, and can send the text to the correct smart phone number if it has the correct routing codes and knows the Cell Phone Number of the intended recipient.
Important: If either of these two pieces of data is missing, your church cannot send text messages to this person. Their name will not appear in the Email & Texting distribution list when you select the Texting feature.
The MemberLink® Configuration File contains a chart of Cell Phone Carriers. Your systems MasterAdmin or one of the SysAdmin(s) have the capability of adding new Carriers to the list at any time. As new Cell Phone providers come along, the MasterAdmin or SysAdmin can maintain the list and keep it updated. The list maintenance is an option on the Configuration screen.
Here on the Profile Screen, the Carrier is selected from a drop-down box of choices. You can only select one choice from the (Optional) Cell Phone Carrier list to assign a carrier to this person.
The Cell Phone Number entry box is right under the (Optional) Cell Phone Carrier selection area.
** Note: There is no cost to your church to send text messages to people. MemberLink® has a built-in, private email and texting engine. Your church is not charged for using these functions, either by your MemberLink® provider or by the Cell Phone Carriers.
However, if the intended recipient cannot receive text messages without charge from their own Carrier, then the recipient may incur expense as they receive text messages from your church.
** Note: If the recipient does not want to receive text messages from the church, for any reason, leave the (Optional) Cell Phone Carrier selection set to N/A. Lack of a valid Carrier selection will block the church from sending text messages to the person.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230