Help -- Training -- Explanations -- Hints
This area of the Profile screen features the "Manager Checkboxes" that are used to grant special privileges or special access to certain people.
There is a [Checkboxes Help ?] button narrative for this section of the screen next to the "Manager Checkboxes Options" label.
** Note: If you haven't already read that general "Help Text" narrative for these options, you should go read it first because it does provide some helpful information before you look at any of the specific "Manager Checkboxes" in detail..
The following is a description of the specific "InventoryLink Manager" Checkbox and indicates what purpose this Checkbox serves.
"InventoryLink Manager" Checkbox
If you give a person the "InventoryLink Manager" privilege, they will be able to see the [InventoryLink] icon on the Profile screen. If they click the [Inventory] icon, they will go to the Inventory screen where they will find the INVENTORY CONTROL PANEL and can post inventory transactions.
Why do we need to grant InventoryLink Manager permissions to individuals?
With this function, you can authorize specific people to make Inventory updates and review or print Inventory reports. Typically, this capability is granted to only a small number of people in the church.
** Note: InventoryLink access requires Administrative module access in MemberLink. However, you can give your InventoryLink Manager specialist(s) a permission level of "AssistAdmin" so that when they login and do the InventoryLink Manager work, but they cannot access or change much else in the MemberLink Administrative module.
How do we designate people to have "InventoryLink Manager" access?
In the Administrative module, on the right side of the Profile screen, there is an area with "Manager Checkboxes." These Checkboxes are only visible to the MasterAdmin and SysAdmin, and can only be manipulated by them.
Using the InventoryLink Manager Checkbox, you can indicate in this person's profile that they may work with the Inventory transactions. The default when you enter a new person into the system is that this Checkbox will not be checked and this person will not be able to get into the Inventory processing. The MasterAdmin or SysAdmin has to click this Checkbox to authorize it.
You can designate as many people as you desire to have InventoryLink Manager access, but remember they must also have Administrative module access in MemberLink.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230