Help -- Training -- Explanations -- Hints
This area of the Profile screen features the "Manager Checkboxes" that are used to grant special privileges or special access to certain people.
Overview of "Manager Checkboxes Options"
If you are reading this "Help Text" narrative, you must be the MasterAdmin or a SysAdmin!
The "Manager Checkboxes" are only visible to the MasterAdmin or SysAdmin. Therefore, only the MasterAdmin or a SysAdmin can turn on or turn off one of these Checkboxes on a person's Profile screen.
Only two of these special permissions may be granted to any User: "Attendance Manager" and "Care Group Leader". These two functions can be performed from the Member Portal module by any "Regular User" you choose to grant the privilege.
The other six of these special permissions may only be granted to Users that can login to the Administrative module. That means only people who are Administrators, AssocAdmins, and AssistAdmins can have the Bulletin Board, ContributionLink, Global Changes, Group, InventoryLink, and CheckinLink designations.
The Manager Checkboxes are:
Attendance Manager (can view and record attendance for designated groups)
Bulletin Board Manager (can make changes to the Bulletin Board)
Care Group Leader (can send email or text messages to a Care Group)
ContributionLink Manager (can access the ContributionLink icon and module)
Global Changes Manager (can make "mass" changes to Data Fields)
Group Manager (can make changes to Groups created by others)
InventoryLink Manager (can access the InventoryLink icon and module)
CheckinLink Manager (can access Child CheckinLink icon and module)
Each of the Manager Checkboxes is described with its own "Help Text" narrative in this [Checkboxes Help ?] button narrative for this section of the screen next to the "Manager Checkboxes Options" label. Refer to the specific information on each one that is found in this [Checkboxes Help ?] button.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230