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In the "Other Information" quadrant on the right side of the Profile screen, just to the right of the "Wall Monitoring" label, is a square with a plus symbol inside it. It appears only in the Administrative module but not in the Member Portal module.
Clicking that button will "expand" the screen and display the Wall Monitor window. This area used less frequently than other areas of the screen. You can click and expand to see use this area, and the screen will become longer and require more scrolling to get to the custom data fields further below. The reason the screen is not fully expanded in the first place is to save time and effort with scrolling.
What is a Prayer Wall?
A "prayer wall" is a function accessible in the Member Portal module that permits people to post prayer requests, praise reports, and discussion threads. Users can also "Reply" to the prayer wall posts.
Your church could choose to let your church's prayer coordinator post for members to read, or you can let all your people post directly themselves.
Why do we need Prayer Wall Monitors?
In order to ensure prayer wall posts are "appropriate", your church can designate "Wall Monitors" to keep an eye on posts. These Wall Monitor people will have the ability to approve the post, request the person who posted to change the post, or to completely delete the post. Wall Monitors also will have the capability of deleting the post themselves.
** Note 1: Prayer Wall posts do not appear on the Prayer Wall immediately. They only appear after one of your Wall Monitors has approved it. This ensures an inappropriate post never appears on the Prayer Wall.
** Note 2: If you do not have anyone designated as a Wall Monitor, Prayer Wall posts do appear on the Wall immediately. The delay only occurs if you have one or more people designated as Wall Monitors, thus ensuring that at least one of them has to think the post is appropriate before it appears on the Wall.
How do we designate people to be Wall Monitors?
When you expand the Wall Monitor window on a person's Profile screen, you will see all the Groups with private prayer wall capabilities. Using the Checkboxes, you can indicate in this person's Profile that they are a Wall Monitor for the Groups you assign. The default is "No Groups" and with this setting, this person is not a Wall Monitor.
If you uncheck the "No Groups" Checkbox, you can check other Checkboxes to make this person a Wall Monitor. You can check the "All Groups" box, for example, and this person will become a Wall Monitor for all groups that have private prayer walls.
Instead of using "All Groups", you can assign this person to just one group or several of the groups by turning on the Checkboxes accordingly.
** Note: Wall Monitor people are notified via email message every time someone posts to a prayer wall that you have assigned to them (via a Checkbox on their Profile). Inside each email message will be the Hyperlinks that let the Wall Monitor approve the post, request that the post be changed, or that let the Wall Monitor delete the post immediately.
You can have as many Wall Monitors as you desire for your church.
** Important: Wall Monitors do not have to login to MemberLink® to perform their duties. The email alert sent to them with each post is the quickest means of notifying the Wall Monitor because they do not have to login to read the posts before deciding what is appropriate or inappropriate. The "text" of the post is included in the email alert for them to read immediately, as well as Hyperlinks so that they can take immediate action.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230