Help Training Explanations Hints
Member/Employee ID is a standard data field, but usage is optional. The control to turn it on or off for a church is in the Configuration File. The churchs MemberLink® Master Administrator can turn on or off the setting.
The church can turn this option on, and use the entry box to assign a control number to the contact record (person) in the database. Suggested usages are to assign a member number to each church member, or a prospect number to each non-member; or to assign an employee number to selected people, etc.
If the Member/Employee ID option is turned on, the Member/Employee ID# label and data entry box will be displayed on the Profile screen. You will see it on the left side near the top, just below the Password and just above the First Name data fields.
The optional Member/Employee ID data field is an alphanumeric field. You may enter any combinations of characters and numbers you want as few or as many as you need. It can have capital letters, lower case letters, special characters, etc.
** Note: There is no editing on this data field. You can enter whatever you want, and there will be no error checking. If you enter the same value on duplicate contact records, there will not be an error message.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230