CAA Product Help
(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.
This (HELP ?) Circle narrative is for the "PRAYER WALL" Screen or the "PRAYER WALL" Display Panel in the MemberLink Member Portal module.
General Overview:
This MemberLink screen is comprised of five parts. For overview and more detail on how Program Bar , Operation Bar , and Information Bar are used, click the "BULLETIN BOARD" Tab and then click on the (NAVIGATION HELP ?) Circle on that screen.
- Program Bar : MemberLink
- Operation Bar : Bulletin Board, My Profile, Prayer Wall, Surveys, Downloads, Photo Directory, Attendance, Logout
- Information Bar
- Navigation Panel : Reset Requests, Add a New Post, Setup Private Groups, Your Church Websites, and Group Filters
- Display Panel : Prayer Requests ROW/COLUMN FORM
Navigation Panel:
This section is on the left side of the screen, immediately under the Operation Bar and Information Bar . It shows the Navigation choices available within the selected operation (in this case, the "Prayer Wall" Display Panel ).
** Note: The Permission Level of the person logged in here will dictate which of the Navigation Links they see and may access.
The Navigation Panel will typically include the following:
- Your church name at the top
- The Navigation Links for your use with the active "Prayer Requests" Display Panel
- Special Links pertaining to your church, like your website for example.
- The CAA Copyright Notice at the bottom
This Navigation Panel has the following Links available:
- Reset Requests Hyperlink: If you have used the [REMOVE SELECTED] Button or [RETAIN SELECTED] Button to limit which Prayer Requests are shown on the "Prayer Requests" Display Panel , you can use this link to restore all Prayer Requests to active status on the Display Panel ).
- Add a New Post Hyperlink: If you have been granted privileges to post Prayer Requests, you will see this Link. Click it to go to the "ADD POST" Screen where you can create Praise, Prayer, & Blog requests.
- Setup Private Groups Hyperlink: If you have been granted privileges to setup private groups, you will see this Link. Click it to go to the "PRIVATE GROUPS" Screen where you can create private prayer groups.
This Navigation Panel also has a [SELECT WALL TO VIEW] Button if there are any "Private Prayer Walls". Use the menu to select the Private Prayer Wall you wish to view, and click the button. That will "filter" the Prayer Posts that are displayed on the Display Panel .
Display Panel:
This section of the screen is the large area immediately under the Operation Bar and Information Bar and just to the right of the Navigation Panel . It shows the "Prayer Request" ROW/COLUMN FORM. Here you will see the Praise records, Prayer records, and Blog records already posted.
The Prayer Wall (Requests) ROW/COLUMN FORM of your MemberLink system is used to help you collect, organize, and post prayer requests, praise reports, and blog discussion threads.
** Note: At the top of the Display Panel you may see four Radio Buttons: ALL, PRAYER REQUESTS, PRAISE REPORTS, and DISCUSSIONS. Use these to "filter" the Prayer Posts that are displayed on the Display Panel .
Here is an overview of each column on the ROW/COLUMN FORM of this screen:
This column offers Checkboxes for "highlighting" rows on the ROW/COLUMN FORM. When you click a Checkbox, that row is highlighted. You may highlight one or more rows. This feature is provided as a convenience if you need to focus on certain rows of Prayer Wall postings.
Also, there are special buttons at the top and at the bottom of the ROW/COLUMN FORM that you can use to retain or exclude highlighted rows from the screen display.
This column shows the Title of the posting. The Title comes from the "Please enter a short Title" box on the screens where you Add or Modify your postings. It also includes an identifier showing whether the posting is a Prayer Request, Praise Report, or Blog Discussion Thread.
You can use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to sort the posting Titles into ascending or descending sequence.
** Note: If you are an Administrator, you may see a phrase "Awaiting Review by Wall Monitor" in this column. That means email alert messages have been sent to the Wall Monitors to review and approve this post, but they have not approved it yet.
This column provides a way for you to show your support for the Prayer Request.
- A social media style [Thumbs Up] Icon that lets you indicate you have read the posting and "like it".
- A social media style [Praying Hands] Icon that lets you indicate you have read the posting and you are "praying" in support of the person and their message.
This column shows the first 40 characters of the posted message.
** Note: If you are an Administrator, you may see a "APPROVE THIS POST" Hyperlink in this column. That means email alert messages have been sent to the Wall Monitors to review and approve this post, but they have not approved it yet. With your Administrator permission level, you can approve it immediately here by clicking the hyperlink.
This column shows the Name of the person who authored the original posting. The First Name and Last Name are displayed.
You can use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to sort the posting Name into ascending or descending sequence. The sort is on Last Name of the person.
Posted On:
This column displays the date of the original posting. This is the default column for the ROW/COLUMN FORM" when you come to this screen, the postings will be sorted in chronological sequence based upon this date.
Also, it may include a "PRIVATE MESSAGE" Hyperlink if the posting was posted to a "Private Prayer Wall". Clicking that hyperlink takes you to the "REVIEW AND REPLY" Screen where you can "View" specific information about the post and also allows you to "Reply" to the post.
You can use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to sort the posting into ascending or descending sequence using the Posted On date.
View and Reply:
This column has a "REVIEW AND REPLY" Hyperlink that allows you to "View" specific information about the post and also allows you to "Reply" to the post.
If the hyperlink has a number beside it in ( ) to the right, that number tells you how many people have posted Replies already.
This column has a "MODIFY/UPDATE" Hyperlink that takes you to the "MODIFY POST FOR ALL MEMBERS" Screen. There you can update or maintain your post. Unless you are a System Administrator, you can only update a post if you were the author.
This column allows you to delete existing posts of Prayer Requests, Praise Reports, and Blog Discussion Threads. Use the Checkboxes to identify those postings you want to remove "" to delete completely from the system. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the [DELETE CHECKED PRAYER(S)] Button. You will receive a final warning before the posting is actually deleted.
Unless you are a System Administrator, you can only remove a post if you were the author of it.
** Warning:
Deleted postings disappear and cannot be recovered. They are gone!
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230