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Prayer Wall Private Groups Control Panel Screen

Help -- Training -- Explanations -- Hints

The Private Groups Control Panel screen of your MemberLink® system is used to help you manage your "Prayer Wall Private Groups". You came to this screen by clicking the [Setup Private Groups] gold button at the right of the Prayer Wall Control Panel screen in the theme-colored bar at the top.

The Private Groups Control Panel screen is segmented into two sections. Section 1 of this screen features the Gold Buttons in the theme-colored bar. Section 2 of this screen features the CONTROL PANEL for Prayer Wall Private Groups.

Section 1:

At the top of the Private Group Control Panel screen is the theme-colored bar with Gold Buttons. A theme-colored bar appears at the top of all the major screens in the Member Portal module of your MemberLink® system.

The following buttons may be available for you to use:

[Add a Private Group] gold button:
Click this button to go to the screen where you can create more Private Groups. At that screen you can create a new group and name it, and put people into it.

[Back to Wall] button:
Click this button to exit this screen and return to the Prayer Wall Control Panel screen.

Section 2:

Here is an overview of each column on the CONTROL PANEL of this screen:

Column 1 -- Group Name:
This column displays the names of previously created Private Groups. The column header is underlined, which means you can sort the Group Names by clicking on the column header underlined portion, "Group Name".

Column 2 -- Size:
This column shows the number of people (contact records) in the Private Group.

Column 3 -- View:
This column has a View hyperlink that allows you to "View" who is in the Private Group.

Column 4 -- Modify:
This column has a Modify hyperlink that takes you to the Modify Private Group screen. There you can update or maintain your Private Group. This includes adding or deleting members. Unless you are a System Administrator, you can only update a Private Group if you were the author.

Column 5 -- Remove:
This column allows you to delete existing posts of Prayer Wall Private Groups. Use the Checkboxes to identify those Private Groups you want to remove -- to delete completely from the system. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the [Delete Checked Private Group(s)] button. You will receive a final warning before the posting is actually deleted.

Unless you are a System Administrator, you can only remove a Private Group if you were the author of it.

** Warning:
Deleted Private Groups disappear and cannot be recovered. They are gone!

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230