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Contributions Display Panel Screen

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CheckinLink Session Login Screen

Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview

Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation


Email - View History of Emails & Texts Already Sent

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

You found the (HELP ?) Circle narrative for "Using the View Sent History button to review previous email and text messages" by clicking the (COMPREHENSIVE HELP ?) Circle on the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen or the "EMAIL & TEXTING MESSAGE HISTORY" Screen in MemberLink.

Before proceeding, please be sure you have previously clicked the (HELP ?) Circle that leads to the narrative on "Overview and Basics: Using the Email & Texting Function". Being familiar with the general information about the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen may be helpful to you.

The following information relates specifically to using the "SENT HISTORY" Screen.

** Note: "Sent History" is available to people using the Member Portal module or the Administrator module. However, in the Member Portal module the only history viewable will be messages the logged in person sent themselves. They will not see messages others may have sent.

Using "Sent History" to Review Previous Messages

There is a "SENT HISTORY" Hyperlink located in the Navigation Panel for the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen. When you click it, you will go to this "EMAIL & TEXTING MESSAGE HISTORY" Screen.

This screen allows you to look at the email or texting messages that were previously sent. From this screen, you can view the details of previous messages sent out through MemberLink. You can view things such as:
- Date and Time Sent
- Email ID of the Sender
- Message Subject Line
- Message Body (text)
- Type of Message (email or texting)
- Distribution List (email addresses of the intended recipients)

** Note: The length of time this "Message History" is available is controlled by a setting in the MemberLink Configuration File. The setting for length of time to keep a message in history is typically 2 to 3 months, but can be changed by your MemberLink system's MasterAdmin person. When the age of a message reaches the length of time the history is kept, the message is automatically deleted out of the system. Once a message has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved or restored and it will no longer appear on this screen.

** Tip: If you want to send the same Message Text again, you can "Copy" the text from the "EMAIL & TEXTING MESSAGE HISTORY" Screen and "Paste" it into a new message.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230