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Using Batch Number & Batch Number Lock

Help – Training – Explanations – Hints

This is the HELP TEXT narrative for “Using the Batch Number & Batch Number Lock Feature” on the Add Contribution screen.

There are slight differences depending upon whether you are posting a new contribution or modifying (updating) an existing contribution. In this case, about the only difference is the Add Contribution screen will have a default Batch Control Number displayed (may be blank) but the Modify Contribution screen will display what was entered initially (may also be blank).

If you are Modifying an existing donation, and want to change the Batch Control Number, just follow the same procedures described below for Adding (posting) new donations.

** Note: The “Batch Number Lock Feature” is only available when Adding new donations.

Using Batch Control Numbers:

Some churches create batches of contributions and post their contributions grouped by batch. For those who prefer to use Batch Control Numbers, the Batch Number Entry Box is provided for you.

When you login to MemberLink®, the Batch Number entry box will be blank. If you do not use batch numbers, just leave it blank.

At the top right of this screen, just under the Contribution Date entry box, you will see the “Batch Number” entry box. Using a Batch Number is optional. If you do use Batch Control Numbers, enter the Batch Number (along with all the other data) before clicking the [Add Contribution] button to post the donation.

The batch number will blank out after each contribution is posted, unless you use the described in the next section below.

If you are not using Batch Control Numbers, skip over this feature and leave this entry box blank. This speeds the data entry process.

Using the Batch Number Lock Feature:

This section applies only when you “Add” or post a new Contribution. This feature is not available when you are updating a previously posted donation. There is no need to lock the Batch Number when updating a donation already posted.

When adding a new donation, if you enter a Batch Number but do not lock it, the Batch Number will revert back to “blank” (or the default Batch Number) again when the next donation is posted.

However, if you want to post a series of contributions for the same Batch Control Number, you can enter the Batch Number AND click the [Lock This Batch Number?] checkbox.

To lock the Batch Number, use the Checkbox to the right of the “(Optional) Batch Number” entry box and just left of the “Lock This Batch Number?” label on the screen. If you click the Checkbox, the Batch Number shown at that time will become the new default for your posting of donations. This will speed the data entry process because you can skip entering the Batch Number each time.

If you want to change to a different Batch Number, just enter a new Batch Number and then use the Checkbox again to make it the default for the following postings.

Using this approach, you can post transactions (donations) for your first batch, then your second batch, then your third batch, and so forth. You will not have to enter the Batch Number while posting each donation, thereby speeding the process and reducing your labor efforts.


The actual locking process doesn’t take place until you press the [Add Contribution] button. The system expects that you have selected the donor, entered the amount, and entered the Contribution Date, etc., BEFORE you enter or change the Batch Number, lock it with the Checkbox, and click the [Add Contribution] button.

If you select a donor AFTER locking the Batch Number but before clicking the [Add Contribution] button, the attempt to lock the Batch Number will be aborted.

At any time you can change the Batch Number again, lock it again, and that will remain as the posting Batch Control Number – until you change it to a different Batch Number again, and so forth.

When you logout of MemberLink®, the next time you login the Batch Number will be reset to blank.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230